I’ve got a question about my RX 5700 XT. What would this MEM temperature mean and should this be lower. If so, how could I lower it.
Thanks and cheers.
I’ve got a question about my RX 5700 XT. What would this MEM temperature mean and should this be lower. If so, how could I lower it.
Thanks and cheers.
fans higher
Druze da li si ti uopste modovao bios ove graficke? Temp ne sme nikako da ti bude preko 100, mozes da podesis auto fan i da stavis target temp na zeljenu vrednost, ali nemoj mnogo nisku jer ce ti skociti fan speed na 100% i brzo ce da riknu
With fans higher and lower target temperature I succeeded to lower the temperature. Just wondering should fans be on this high rate all the time.
Nisam modovao nista, sta bi trebalo uraditi? U gornjem odgovoru je trenutno stanje. Spustio target temeperature i upalio autfan tako da sad ne ide preko 90. Ako imas neki predlog sta bi moglo da se uradi daj. I meni je cudno da ventilatori non stop rade na +80%.
Stanje na sapphire nitro mi je skroz drugacije.
Buraz aj dodaj me na Telegramu pa cu ti objasniti sve sta i kako @djokic_pn
Ili dodji ovde i napisi bilo sta u general chatu, videcu i kontaktiracu te
Temps are still high imho.
I did this Thermal Pad Mod:
and here is the result:
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