Ryzen randomx hashrate drops

Hi. I"m new in cpu mining, but maybe someone could help me a bit.
So I just built 3pcs ryzen 3900x rigs. My problem is constant hashrate drops.
So for now I have tried various bios settings, but nothing is improving stable hashrate.
I’m using CL14 ram with xmp profile.
CPU temperature is below 70.
Flight sheet is almost basic settings
Really would be grateful for some advice.

Possibly the vrms are overheating and it’s throttling? Does your board have vrm heatsinks? Are they hot to the touch?

Thank you for your reply. Yes, seems pretty hot and no, motherboard has no vrm heatsinks.

Ok, thank you. You are right. Problem is vrm temperature. Will try to add some heatsinks. Btw budget motherboard I hoped would make me millions is biostar b450mh.

I noticed something weird last night. My cpu stopped running 2 threads per core, and only showed the number of cores and not the threads.The cpu had been working fined until then, doing threads minus one for mining.

Also the temperature increased (even with less threads) beyond anything I had before (67°, which is still below throttling?). I’m going to check the rig later today. Maybe the fan died?

Are you running at stock voltages? If you are setting a lower voltage and fixed clock speed will help lower temps as well.

Try adding some fans pointed at the vrms and chipset area just to rule that out too

Thank you for info. Saved my day. I’m running at fixed 3.8, with eco settings and cpu fan little bit over stock speed, in bios it seems that I cannot turn cpu voltage down. Yesterday I reviewed some info about vrms temperatures, fan seems to be solution, but I’ll try to make some heatsink with some fans including.

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