Well, after 2+ years of running my 6TB storage node, the colocation of the SQLite files and the blob storage has finally killed my node. I attempted to come up with a workaround, but it isn’t possible w/o a code change.
My “issue” was identified some time ago in this GitHub ticket but hasn’t gotten any love. Being able to separate the slower blob storage from the more time-sensitive SQLite DB files is why the moderators and the documentation are always saying that you should use local storage only. Well, if history is really a “rent your unused storage” kinda project, my excess storage is on (usually) fast attached storage.
I’ve added my notes there and subscribed to updates hoping it’ll get some love so I can return to the storage node family. I believe the fix is quite easy so any upvotes on the issue would be appreciated.
Until then, best of luck folks!