Sreboot - added support for powercycle as option

Any more details to sreboot command after this update?

0.6-169@201027 :penguin:
:gear: Improved sreboot command (added support for powercycle as option)

I can still see “old” sreboot params.

~# sreboot --help
Reboots or shutdowns the system using sysrq
  sreboot - just reboots
  sreboot shutdown - shutdowns
  sreboot wakealarm [timeout] - shutdowns and sets wake alarm in BIOS to [timeout] (default 30 seconds)
  sreboot -h|--help - shows this message

How powercycle works? There isnt also any change at web interface. So what is this update about?

As you can see sreboot already had options for reboot and powercycle “turn off and turn on after 30 sec”
Some actions under normal conditions, a normal reboot occurs, but for some motherboards it is necessary to turn off and then turn on (for example, it leads to card not detected by BIOS and OS after a normal restart)
So it will option for rig settings that will appeared with web update (I guess)

Well … this option is there for months (maybe longer). And Im actively using it.
So this was NOT the change mentioned at changenotes.

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