T-rex miner ETH+ZIL on ezil

Hey, did any of you gyus manage to run dual mining eth+zil on T-rex miner?


Sure… it is quite simple…

Url %URL%
Algo ethash
Pass x
Template %WAL%

User Config
“worker”: “%WORKER_NAME%”
“worker2”: “%WORKER_NAME%”
“extra-dag-epoch”: 0
“url2” : “stratum+tcp://eu.ezil.me:5555”
“temperature-color” : “70,75”
“api-bind-telnet” : “0”
“dag-build-mode” : 2
“quiet” : 0
“hide-date” : 0
“validate-shares” : 1
“gpu-report-interval” : 900
“send-stales” : 0

I dont have these fields there. It looks changed.

Don’t use second algorithm

Alternatively it works with lolminer too

Still doesnt work… i dont what am i doing wrong :confused:

Here are my settings for t-rex and lolminer (works too)

What is your Error on the console?

i also cant get through with ur settings.

ERROR: Can’t start miner, can’t parse json:
*Line 2, Column 1
Syntax error: value, object or array expected.

did you manage to fix it?

The problem is that if you cut and paste the above user config, the quotes are HTML quotes (left and right). If you replace all of those quotes with a regular ASCII quote character, it fixes the JSON parse error.

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