I was trying to get tbm to dual mine rvn+zil
However, seems the example is wrong, since they are using –algo rvn+vtc, and tbm won’t start with that. Did, however got it working using eth+rvn.
Hive doesn’t show the rvn work on the dashboard, and eventually dies. Any way to get it to work?
mining.submit: Pool reponded with error
KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (26/28/0) Reply: 171ms
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KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (31/33/0) Reply: 184ms
KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (32/34/0) Reply: 169ms
americas.kawpow.mining-dutch.nl: Pool responded to subscribe
americas.kawpow.mining-dutch.nl: Failed mining authorize. Exiting...
Shutting down threads
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