Ubunto, Linux,Open was fuctioning

Issue is with (ubuntu or Linux or open box …not sure what to call it) Linux portion as it was displaying too monitor from mining rig x16 gpu while I had 1 or 6 cards fuctioning. Now 11 GPUs stable and running but not able to get back that display as it only shows a solid curser on a black screen. If was nice to view claymore mining page and now I can monitor rig from another computer with hive OS web page. Is there something on start I should see if it fails. The only failed message I’ve seen occasionally fail is to mount hive. Any suggestions to educate me would be awesome.
Oh I should add, it will display starting with Linux text and then after hive x shows it’ll black out typically with the smaller amount of GPUs being used (1 to 6) it’ll then go further with the menu command options for miner with GPUs with confirmed as well. Then a curser shows up …perfect startup.