Unable to establish secure connection

Looks like I’m having some issues with the SSL cert. I know I can ignore it, but that doesn’t seem wise. Is anyone else having issues connection to the North America West pools?

Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…

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The time and date are correct on my PC and I’ve rebooted but still get the same error trying to connect. I’ve tried starting with a non-secure connection and it throws a libcurl error, so I’m kinda stuck here.

Hi Maliron,
Have you been able to resolve this issue?
I have 4 rigs mining ethereum. All were ok, but all of a sudden 3 of them started giving this error. The 4th rig also gave the same error after 12 hours.
I’m not really sure what to do!!

These are the errors I’m receiving:

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