Unable to establish secure connection?

hey! i have 2 miners running on the same pool, but one of them forgot how to connect.
has been working fine for months and i haven’t changed anything. hopefully somebody can help
me out with this =(

Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Giving up after 3 retries, switching to next pool
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…

*** 0:00 *** 2/11 02:33 **************************************
Eth: Mining Unknown on >ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 for 0:00
Eth: Accepted shares 0 (0 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)
Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 0.00%
Eth: Average speed (5 min): 0.000 MH/s

Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Giving up after 3 retries, switching to next pool
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
GPU1: 28C 69% 21W, GPU2: 32C 69% 21W, GPU3: 32C 69% 21W, GPU4: 31C 69% 21W, GPU5: 28C 69% 21W, GPU6: 30C 69% 21W, GPU7: 29C 69% 21W
GPUs power: 147.0 W
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Giving up after 3 retries, switching to next pool
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Giving up after 3 retries, switching to next pool
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…

*** 0:01 *** 2/11 02:33 **************************************
Eth: Mining Unknown on >ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 for 0:00
Eth: Accepted shares 0 (0 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)
Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 0.00%
Eth: Average speed (5 min): 0.000 MH/s
Eth: Effective speed: 0.00 MH/s; at pool: 0.00 MH/s

GPU1: 28C 69% 21W, GPU2: 32C 69% 21W, GPU3: 32C 69% 21W, GPU4: 31C 69% 21W, GPU5: 28C 69% 21W, GPU6: 30C 69% 21W, GPU7: 29C 69% 21W
GPUs power: 147.0 W
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool use-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://use-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Giving up after 3 retries, switching to next pool
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…
Eth: Connecting to ethash pool ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (proto: EthProxy)
Eth: Connected to SSL ethash pool usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443 (
Eth: Unable to establish secure connection to ssl://usw-eth.hiveon.net:24443: certificate verify failed
Eth: Reconnecting in 5 seconds…

Miner screen is running

Hello, same problem as FabulousVomit and same error log. All four rigs not connecting. Help please.

Me too. I have four rigs down for the last 14 hours after I did the update.

Hey guys I found a solution. I made a duplicate of my flight sheet, toggled SSL off and back on, selected a server and launched it. This seems to have fixed the connection issue. Good luck let me know if you need more info.

1 Like

holy cow it really worked!! thank you so much!
not sure if i did it exactly the same way, but i did duplicate my flightsheet for that miner,
turned off ssl on the new flight sheet, changed the miner to the new flight sheet and switched
the miner right back to the original flight sheet and deleted the duplicate.

Thanks RomanianMiner. 4 for 4 on my end.

Worked for mew too, thanks!!

I am having the same error, but I’m not sure on the exact steps to toggle SSL off and back on - is this something you do in the shell, or one of the settings on hiveos? I would appreciate if you could guide me in how exactly you did this!

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