VirtualBox on Windows => No avaible GPUs for mining


I started HiveOS via VirtualBox from my Windows 10, the software launches.

But my graphic card (Radeon VII) is not detected :

Did someone find the setting to make it work?

Thank you for your help.

Hello, were you able to solve it? I have the same problem.

I want to do that too. Already try with virtualbox and vmware, but my rx 570 still not show.
Though I see someone can do that with unraid

Anyone can make that happen on virtualbox/vmware?

Hive OS should have direct access to the hardware. The GPU is already abstracted from the VirtualBox layer, that’s why it is not visible. It really won’t work.

Hola, como hiciste para arrancar el hive en virtualbox, me da error me falta algo para que tome el iso que lo converti desde el img.xz

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