Was soll ich minen

Ich bin relativ neu. Es läuft auch alles. Habe 4x die Rx470 8GB.
Nun ist meine Frage was ich minen soll bzw wo ich die infos dafür bekomme

If you’re paying for power it’s unlikely such old cards will be profitable on anything.
Check whattomine, hashrate.no and other profit calc type sites for ideas on what’s most profitable for your cards.

There si many profit calc. sites, Whattomine is for sure the most famous
I noticed, that they deliver somtimes huge difference
hashrate.no is often mentioned here, but is it really reliable ?
Firo is even not listed

Always best to test your own hardware and enter your hashrates that you got. Use those sites as a starting point, use your actual info to get the correct numbers.

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