Whats Wrong with my 3090 Rig?

Hello guys !
Tried overClocking, UnderClocking, Driver Updates and everything I Could do.
I cant get the Same Hashrates on all me RTX 3090 cards (Same make).

Please Help !

At my best try i managed to get

Need Help !

Did you replace thermal pads? It seems that some of your cards are thermal throttling.

i have AORUS GeForce RTX™ 3090 XTREME WATERFORCE WB 24G (Liquid Cooled), and just a month old, would it be safe to change thermal Pads ?

If the quality of T.pads is poor, even after one day is worth.

okay ill give it a try.

Any preferred brand or Quality of T.Pads suggested ?

I personally like Thermalright Extreme ODYSSEY.
Just be careful to choose the right thickness for your cards.

What about proper settings for OC . Why dont you try setting the core clock also when you set the memory. Use absolute numbers always.

can you please give me the range for absolute numbers ??

Rear memory chips on the back of the card are thermal throttling. You might need more cooling on the back of the cards.
Try mining in windows with the latest trex miner. It tells you the memory temperatures so you can see if it’s thermal throttling.

Agree with everyone here, thermals. You don’t have enough ventilation for that rig. I have replaced the thermals on my 3090’s and even have one liquid cooled. The core temperatures all need to be under 50 degrees even with the updates or my cards begin to throttle

I have an AORUS GeForce RTX ™ 3090 XTREME WATERFORCE WB 24G and the same thing happens to me that HASH RATE CANNOT go over 100mh- I did t.pads but the same thing happens, is there a solution?

Did you install the right thickness? Sometimes even half mm make the difference.

i solved it !!
use absolute Core !!!

@AlphaMale can you share a screenshot now (same as your original post)? I want to see what temperatures you’re getting with your liquid cooled 3090s. Do you have any active backplate or your GPU blocks?

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